Countless words are written daily about the importance of education. Indubitably, education is the only valuable asset humans can achieve. Human evolution over eons is a result of education both formal and informal. Our quest for knowledge is unending and will continue till planet Earth exists. I feel lucky to work in a school where excellence is expected from every student, regardless of their background. Students, teachers, and visitors are greeted by a quote from Aristotle. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” This idea is central to creating a culture of excellence at a school.
Creativity is an essential aspect of teaching and learning that is influencing worldwide educational policy and teacher practice and is shaping the possibilities of 21st century learners. The way creativity is understood, nurtured, and linked with real-world problems for emerging workforces is significantly changing the ways contemporary scholars and educators are now approaching creativity in school.
Parents are often said to be the first and best teachers a child has. Research supports this notion and shows that the influence parents have on their children’s education begins as early as preschool. Parental influence also goes beyond the parent-child relationship and includes parental characteristics, education, and income, as well as how parents interact with their children and their children’s schools.
The connection parents have with their children’s school is also important to academic success. The National Education Association website points out ways schools can support parents such as outlining what’s expected of parents, communicating with parents regarding what children are learning and providing an assortment of opportunities for parents to meet with school personnel.
“Aim for excellence, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.”-
Dr. David M. Burns